Apple Tree Nursery
Our Farm will open for plant sales in May
We have a large selection of fruit trees which we graft on farm. We love collecting new and unique varieties, as well as working to preserve old varieties planted by early settlers on the Coast.
We don't have time to keep an updated inventory of all the varieties we have in stock, yet - check the table below for a list of all the varieties we might have. If there is something that you want send us a text or give us a call and we can check if we have it in our nursery. We can do small or large orders (1- 500+ trees). If we don't have an apple variety you're looking for we can probably get it for next year. In general we do not ship.
Call or text Jordan with questions at
778 882 5673
Pricing 2024: (bulk discounts available)
$35 for 1 year old whip in a 1 gallon pot.
2+ year old trees are individually priced.
$80+ for established trees over 6'
$30 to duplicate a heritage tree in your yard. Give Jordan a call (a cutting needs to be taken during the dormant winter period)
Custom Trees for hobbyists and small orchard establishment: (these prices are approximate)
$8 for rootstock (let us know the type you want). This must be ordered by January or earlier and will be ready around May 1st.
$22 for a freshly grafted whip with the variety of your choice as bareroot (no pot, so it needs to be put in the ground right away. The grafting tape needs to be removed in the summer, and any growth below the graft removed.) Bulk discounts available for orders with 10+ of the same variety. Should be ordered in the winter and ready for pickup late May.
Scionwood (about 12" long & pencil thick. Should be ordered by February)
$10 for 1-4 of a single variety
$8 for 5-7 of a single variety
$7 for 8+ of a single variety
Jordan - 778 882 5673
Tips on Using the Table Below:
1) Choose 2 varieties with the same Bloom Time. Most trees need a different pollinator variety planted close by - in order for this to happen the trees need to bloom at the same time. In commercial orchards, for example a Gala Orchard, 1 tree in 10 might be a crab apple that blooms at the same time in order to provide pollen to the Gala flowers.
2) If a tree is a Triploid, it won't pollinate other trees. Triploid means three sets of DNA, which as you can imagine is hard to divide in half in order to make viable gametes (pollen).
3) Some trees are self-compatible, check the notes on the side of the table is this is what you're looking for. If you want a single tree only in your yard, there is the possibility that you have a neighbour with compatible tree, or we can graft a pollinator branch onto your tree.
4) Try Sorting Collumns in the table by your interest (eg. Sweet Apples, or Bloom Time)
Sunshine Coast Heritage Apples
Apples with this symbol (*) are unique varieties we have propagated from old trees growing in people's backyards on the Coast. As far as we know most of these trees were planted by early pioneers. When we can't determine if it is already a named variety, we have tried to name them appropriately - typically after the early settler who planted it or a local landmark. Do you have a great tasting old apple tree in your yard? Give us a shout and we can take a small cutting and propagate this tree, savings its potentially unique genetics. Below are a couple examples.
Named for Grandma Stewart of Henry Rd. This parent tree is at least 100 years old, and makes famous pies. We are very pleased to have saved these genetics. The apples are best for baking but also good eaten fresh. Similar to a Transparent apple, but much bigger!
Beauty of Davis Road
Named for the street on which this parent tree is located
Christmas Apple
A prolific, disease resistant red apple great for apple sauce and cider. Named for the Christmas family who have cared for this tree for decades.